ViviFi Planning

ViviFi Planning

Bringing finance to life

in the pacific northwest and beyond

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ViviFi Planning is a fee-only, fiduciary financial planner located in Bend, Oregon that works with clients across the country. We help solopreneurs and families with equity compensation make smart decisions with their money. Our mission is to provide guidance that empowers clients’ lives and the lives of their children.

This is bringing finance to life.


Meet Andy Mardock, MBA, CFP®

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The phrase “I wish I would have known” is all too common when families talk about their decisions with money. Andy created ViviFi out of a desire to help young families avoid ever experiencing this regret. Clients working with Andy feel confident about their money decisions and the direction of their financial lives. Creating this impact in the lives of others in Bend, Oregon and beyond is far more than a career to Andy; it’s his life’s work.


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